Transport UK launches Social Values Charter


Today, we launch Transport UK’s Social Values Charter, a key initiative that underscores our commitment to embedding social value into every aspect of our operations.

Our Charter is intrinsically linked to our core values and places the communities we serve, our people, social mobility, and the environment at the heart of our activity.

Our Pillars:

Our social value pillars guide our efforts to make a positive impact and ensure our actions align with our core mission.

  • Pillar 1 - Connecting Communities: We believe in building strong, vibrant communities. By engaging with schools, charities and businesses, we will drive community improvement and enhancements, create employment opportunities and develop others.

  • Pillar 2 - Engaging People: Developing our people is critical for long-term success. Proactively developing talent fosters a culture of growth and development, and creating an engaged, motivated, healthy and safe workforce drives performance and improves our customer experience.

  • Pillar 3 - Enabling Mobility: At Transport UK, over 90% of our management team is state-school-educated, and social mobility is a key part of who we are as a company. Diversifying our workforce creates an environment where all individuals, regardless of background, can thrive, enabling us to think differently and share our experiences and perspectives.

  • Pillar 4 - Driving Environmental Progress: We are driving environmental progress through a comprehensive carbon reduction plan to make us a net zero-carbon business by 2038. We are leading industry efforts in areas including electrifying the rail network, expanding the use of zero and low-emission buses, and utilising smart energy management technology across our stations.

Over the next few weeks, we will showcase each area to highlight our commitments. Stay tuned for updates on how we are making a difference through these initiatives and working towards building a brighter, better future.


Transport UK Social Values Charter - Pillar 1: Connecting Communities


Spotlight Series: Meet Azzieria Tooby